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The advantage of the retread tire

Retreat tire manufacturers are always looking to produce quality products such as new tires. Therefore, in this article, we try to examine the main advantages of retread tires.

The advantage and technologies that have been made in the tire coating  industry around the word over the last few years have been vast because the advantage of using this type of tire is well cultured.
Most of the existing  tires in the field of civil, military, industrial, etc. Can be coated  at very low cost compared  to the production of the new tires ,and also in the most suitable  coating can be produced for the use of tires in different  Condition by devises and technology.

Environmental Friendly
To solve the environmental problem of worn tires, it is necessary to bury these tires in very special conditions, or to burn them. In both cases there will be irreparable damage to the environment. If this waste is buried, the soil of the environment will be uncultivable and no plants should be expected to grow in that area; On the other hand, if these tires ignite, very dangerous gases will be produced, which is itself polluting the environment.
Rubber coating  can be done several times ,so that the professionals  of Ken Tire industrial complex belive that the ability to coat up to 4times is possible if the quality is maintained. This resuable coating creates values such as environmental  cleanup, economic efficiency  and so on
Coating used tires is the best solution to solve this big problem in the world that Tabriz Tire Industrial Complex is one of the leaders in this industrial field in our dear country.

It is Affordable
Another advantage of retread tires is their cost-effectiveness. In the current economic situation where the financial capacity of most consumers is not enough to meet the need to buy new tires; Coated tires with a much lower cost (40 to 60%) can be helpful.

All products manufactured by Ken Tire Industrial Complex include a one-year warranty, and this advantage has reassured all customers and consumers of Ken Tire retread tires. Ken Tire Industrial Complex is proud to facilitate the process of receiving warranty in case of damage to its products to customers, which has been planned and implemented in order to increase the satisfaction of esteemed customers.

Product security
Tires play a crucial role in how cars work because they transfer engine power to the ground and create traction. Examining what Ken Tire experts have done on how to use the products, it has been concluded that the use of cover tires on the front axles is not correct, and respectable drivers must pay attention to this very important point. Ken Tire Industrial Complex, with its advanced laboratory units and experienced technical personnel, is proud to perform standard tests after the production in order to control the quality of products, and if the quality and safety are ensured, the products will be released to the market.